To begin, this is the type of vintage vanity I would like to have some day! Isn't it beautiful? I have always liked the idea of a women having her own personal area to get ready. Isn't that part of the fun? Such vanities were common in the 1930's, 40's, and 50's for women at home. Back then I feel like femininity was more celebrated and women really embraced it. That is one of the reasons I love old movies! Scroll down to see pics of famous film stars at their vanities!
Jean Harlow

Elizabeth Taylor
Marilyn Monroe
Above are some of Marilyn Monroe's own personal cosmetic products by the brand that still exists today, Erno Laszlo. The above items were sold at auction several years ago for a hefty sum. If you look above at the first photo of Marilyn at her vanity you can see some Erno Laszlo products on her vanity!